Moon Phase Update Infomation

Written on 02/23/2025
Musky 360

Musky 360 User,
There is a new update to the Musky 360 Moon feature. With this update we are able to provide you with the most accurate Musky Moon Data available. The new Musky Moon Calendar solar lunar data is precisely set to your exact location anywhere you are in the world.
The new Moon calendar feature also allows you to look far into the future to see accurate moon phase data weeks, months and even years in advance. Another valuable feature is the option to go back in time and see the moon data from days in the past.

To get the most out of the updated Moon feature you will need to turn on location services for Musky 360 App on your cell phone or tablet. Some of you may already have this enabled. If this is the case, you are good to go.

If you do not have this enabled below are the easy-to-follow instructions for both iPhone and Android users.

Please note when you open the Moon app press the ALLOW option in the pop-up window if you want exact Musky Moon Phase data.



To allow Musky 360 to use your location on an iPhone, do the following:

Step 1. Go to Settings
Step 2. Tap Privacy & Security
Step 3. Tap Location Services
Make sure your iPhones Location Services is turned ON .

Step 4. Scroll down to the Musky 360 app and tap the icon

Then select one of the following option:
While Using the App: Only allows the app to access your location when it's open
Always: Allows the app to access your location even when it's not open

Once completed you will have instant precise Musky Moon Phase data anywhere you go.


To allow an app to use your location on an Android device, you can go to Settings and change the app's location permissions.

    Open Settings
    Tap Location
    Tap App location permissions
    Find the app you want to change
    Tap the app
    Choose the location access for the app

Location access options

    Allow all the time: The app can use your location at any time

Allow only while using the app: The app can use your location only when you're using that app

You can also touch and hold an app icon on your home screen, tap App info, tap Permissions, and then tap Location