Mix it Up for Maximum Magnus Retrieves
Steven Paul

Mix it Up for Maximum Magnus Retrieves

The new Magnus from Livingston Lures is a simple lure to use. Catching muskies can be as easy as casting the Magnus out and turning your reels handle. But if you want to get the most out of your Magnus below are a few retrieve tricks to help you start mixing things up and inevitably put more muskies in your net.

S Steven Paul
Lure Color 101: What Do Muskies Want?
Musky 360

Lure Color 101: What Do Muskies Want?

When we’re talking musky baits, we’re talking about size, shape, motion, and color. If you go down the rabbit hole of color theory online, you might come back with a slight buzz or a dislocated brain stem, so let’s take the shallow dive with classic pointers to get you where you need to go when it comes to choosing the best color for any given situation while targeting muskies.

M Musky 360