Musky Mapping
What Pound Test For Musky Fishing ?
Musky Line, What pound test for musky fishing explained.
Making Your Own Bucktails
Best Leader for Musky Fishing
New musky anglers often ask what the best leader for musky fishing is. While the question is simple the answer is a bit more complex. Understandably new musky anglers are often confused by all of the options available to them. With this in mind let’s look at the pros and cons of common musky leaders to help clarify the matter of what musky leader is the best for you. Not only is choosing the right musky leader about price point, things like life span and lure action come into play when selecting the right musky leader.
Lure Color 101: What Do Muskies Want?
When we’re talking musky baits, we’re talking about size, shape, motion, and color. If you go down the rabbit hole of color theory online, you might come back with a slight buzz or a dislocated brain stem, so let’s take the shallow dive with classic pointers to get you where you need to go when it comes to choosing the best color for any given situation while targeting muskies.
How to Catch Muskies with Suckers
Netting Muskies
Figure 8's 101 : Boat Side Tactics
The figure 8 technique is certainly nothing new in the musky world, yet few anglers have truly mastered this incredible technique. When done correctly, it can be super deadly. In fact, at times it seems like every musky in a lake wants to follow the lure and strike at boatside. However, some musky anglers are far better at this technique than others, and they are able to take full advantage of this weird behavioral trait that muskies have for following lures to the boat. Let’s take a closer look at what makes one angler’s figure 8 that much better than the next.
The Over-Planner’s Guide to Canadian Fishing Trips
Lately you’ve found yourself dreaming of Canada: the lakes, the vistas, and most especially the muskies. The vast unexplored Canadian wilderness is something that calls to many outdoorsmen for a chance to get away from the hustle of the US and experience some of the best musky waters in North America. It is most certainly an adventure that most can afford, but for those that haven’t been there, and for those who rely heavily on their partners for creature comforts, let this article be your guide to navigating some of the surprises and more unpleasant realities of traveling through the Southern fisheries of Canada.
Cold Weather, Cold Fronts, and Deep-Water Muskies
After the fall turnover, when the turmoil of turnover lake soup settles, you might be asking yourself where have all the muskies gone. All of the sudden, the water starts to get super chilly, and it seems like the fish have all but disappeared. A lot of fishermen ask themselves these same questions and the answer is easier to understand than you might believe, it just requires a little science to get back on track.
A Musky Guides Guide to the Tools You Need
Whether you use a butt seat while fishing or you just stand on the deck, all musky anglers keep a wide variety of tools and lures in a "quick reference" area on their boats. Many anglers choose to use a specific locker or crate on the boat that holds all of the items you want close by, but other guys have learned that on of the most efficient ways to keep your most beloved gear nearby is by using an underseat caddy.